RGB illuminant compensation using multispectral information
(Mirko Agarla, Simone Bianco, Marco Buzzelli, Luca Cogo, Ilaria Erba, Matteo Kolyszko, Raimondo Schettini, Simone Zini)
In CdC2024 - Color Conference, pp. 181-186, 2024.
author = {Agarla, Mirko and Bianco, Simone and Buzzelli, Marco and Cogo, Luca and Erba, Ilaria and Kolyszko, Matteo and Schettini, Raimondo and Zini, Simone},
year = {2024},
pages = {181-186},
title = {RGB illuminant compensation using multispectral information},
organization = {Gruppo del Colore -- Associazione Italiana Colore},
booktitle = {CdC2024 - Color Conference},
url = {https://www.rcasb.eu/index.php/RCASB/catalog/book/14},
pdf = {/download/agarla2024rgb.pdf}}