T1K: a database for benchmarking color texture classification and retrieval methods
T1K: a database for benchmarking color texture classification and retrieval methods
T1K+: a database for benchmarking color texture classification and retrieval methods
In this paper we present T1K+, a very large, heterogeneous database of high-quality texture images acquired under variable conditions.T1K+ contains 1129 classes of textures ranging from natural subjects to food, textile samples, construction materials etc.T1K+ allows the design of experiments especially aimed at understanding the specific issues related to texture classification and retrieval. To help the exploration of the database, all the 1129 classes are hierarchically organized in 5 thematic categories and 266 sub-categories. To complete our study, we present an evaluation of hand-crafted and learned visual descriptors in supervised texture classification tasks.
Overview of the database. For each class is included a patch taken from one of the images.
@article{cusano2021t1k+, author = {Cusano, Claudio and Napoletano, Paolo and Schettini, Raimondo}, year = {2021}, title = {T1K+: A Database for Benchmarking Color Texture Classification and Retrieval Methods}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, journal = {Sensors}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/3/1010}, pdf = {/download/sensors-21-01010.pdf}, doi = {10.3390/s21031010}, issn = {1424-8220}}